Location: Jenkinstown
County Kilkenny
Phone: 353 (0) 56 7767674
Contact: Jack Macken
History: This historic 16th century
Kilkenny Hostel is located only 8 kilometeres
from Kilkenny Town.
under 18 12.00 (Oct.-April)
12.50 (May-Sept.)
over 18 13.50 (Oct.-April)
15.00 (May-Sept.)
one four-bedded room
one ten-bedded room
one twelve-bedded room
-magnificent dining room with
enormous fireplace
-spiral staircase to upper floors
-large self-catering kitchen
-beautiful courtyard
-lovely art gallery in reception area
Things To Do:
-enjoy walking in the area
-visit Dunmore Cave
-visit Kilkenny
-enjoy cycling
-enjoy river swimming
-enjoy horse racing
-enjoy fly fishing in the nearby River Nore
-visit Kilkenny Castle
-visit St. Mary’s Church